This year more than ever, e-commerce is being redefined and reaching new heights. Our predictions proved correct. From buying toilet paper and food to clothes, technology, and home improvement materials, people around the world are now harnessing the internet like never before.
This is an important insight for Black Friday advertisers!* TechCrunch estimates that the pandemic accelerated the shift to digital shopping by roughly five years.

As more businesses move online, the number of digital advertisers grows. Fighting for shoppers’ attention becomes even harder. So what is it that makes your Twitter Black Friday campaign truly special and successful?
In a digital world, only digital wins
You can have an amazing business, top-notch products but in the flood of information, offers, and opportunities that consumers are bombarded with every day, you have no checkouts if you don’t stand out.
In a digital world, your online image is what will get you going and pacing for amazing results of your business. Especially, when people are looking for deals. In 2019, “Black Friday Ads” was the fourth most searched keyword on Google during that period.** This shows also that people are actively looking for ads!
The best platform to reach out to a curious audience is Twitter.
Twitter had 186 million monetizable daily active users in Q2 2020, and the number is growing 34% year over year. They are engaged in conversations and proactive in making their choices. Way more so than uses of other social media. People on Twitter are explorers. They have the “discovery mindset” and are open to new ideas, products, and deals. Almost every Twitter user (9 out of 10) will influence the decision of their family member or friend on what to buy.***
So, what is the recipe for the success of your Black Friday Twitter campaign? It comes in four stages.
Stage 1 – Do your homework
To play the game, you have to understand the rules and do your research.
Get your profile in order and polish all the info.
Research and use relevant hashtags.
Create Twitter-only deals. Many clients will already be looking for Christmas gifts.
Invest in great content.
Stage 2 – Leverage Twitter products across the funnel
Using the right tools will help you create deal awareness, connect your brand to the right clusters of shoppers, and also widen your reach. Knowing what to say and to whom you want to say it is crucial for how your campaign will perform.
An array of Twitter products is available to drive traffic and action.

Stage 3 – Use Wise.Blue to get ahead of your competition
The Wise.Blue solution starts where Twitter’s own products end. Wise.Blue products for Black Friday advertisers focus on constant communication with your audience, keeping them engaged throughout the entire process.
#H2R (Heart to Remind)
Once somebody likes your initial campaign tweet, they will be automatically reminded of the offer that you are announcing, when it happens. This keeps audiences engaged and in anticipation of something new.

Image & Video Carousels
Allowing you to showcase several products at the time, Carousels are amazing at driving traffic to your website and leading your customers to the final purchase.

Stage 4 – Go Professional with a full Wise.Blue solution
Wise.Blue, an official Twitter API Partner, is in fact a massive performance tool for advertising on Twitter. It tracks and matches data with MACTs and Google Analytics and automatically optimizes campaigns, using its own proprietary machine learning technology. It allows you to manage countless audiences and ad permutations at the same time, with just a click of the mouse.
The proprietary Autopilot, a machine learning technology, automatically tests permutations of your campaigns and uses the best-performing ones to achieve the full potential of your advertising efforts. It also automatically informs you about any changes that might affect your performance and constantly syncs data for optimal tracking of how your efforts are paying off.
Read a full case study here.
As this year’s major shopping events start to line up – make sure that you’re ready to go out there, work through the clutter, and shine out in your brightest colors.
*Source: Statista
** Source: Printful
*** Source: Kantar, 2017